Resilient and Reliable in Times of Crisis? Your Clients Need Proof

This post was originally published on this site

Surviving in the face of an unprecedented crisis means making difficult decisions, and many law firm leaders have had to shift their business priorities rapidly in recent months.

Certain business functions will, understandably, be given greater attention than others – HR and Operations immediately spring to mind. Keeping your firm running efficiently and looking after your people is key, of course. But now is not the time to leave marketing floundering at the bottom of your priority pile.

A little investment in communications can go a long way in proving to your clients that your firm has what it takes to survive and thrive. It also demonstrates that you care about keeping them informed.

So, are you doing enough? Positive client perception relies on a strong brand and good communication. If you want to emerge from the coronavirus crisis in a position of strength, here are a few things to bear in mind…

Staying current

The legal landscape is subject to swift change at present and, thanks to the use of technology, court hearings are still taking place and judgments are still being passed.

Proving that you have your finger on the pulse, despite the trying circumstances, will serve to reassure clients. It will also highlight your knowledge and expertise.

It doesn’t take hours of time or significant spend to stay current. With the aid of a simple newsfeed, a series of short news pieces on your website, news alert e-mails or a tailored news app, you can keep clients up to date on the emerging issues that matter to them –  from emergency coronavirus laws to health protection regulations, new employment regulations and probate developments.

Keeping in touch

Sharing relevant information with your clients and prospects is important but this shouldn’t be a one-way thing. So, for all the useful news and guidance you’re sharing, you need to provide clients with a way to get in touch and respond.

Offer multiple communication channels – because different people like different types of interaction. And make it easy for people to contact you – use hyperlinks in your news pieces to take readers through to contact pages. With every communication you push out, invite others to feedback via e-mail, phone, text and live chat.

And leverage accessible technology. Utilising a legal news app on smartphones, for instance, which clients can personalise to suit their news preferences, will give you instant insight as to what they’re interested in – so you can contact them directly to promote relevant services.

Showing you care

Negative social media and press reaction to businesses that are perceived to have behaved irresponsibly during the COVID-19 pandemic, underlines how vital it is to show clients that you care.

Communication is central here. If you’re doing everything you can to protect your workforce – share this with clients, tell them what you’re doing and why – succinctly.

If you’ve built in new ways to stay in touch with clients and ensure they’re getting a seamless service, again, tell them how you’ve done this.

And If your firm is supporting local communities through these testing times, let people know via your communication channels.

Highlighting responsible business practice will strengthen your brand going forward.

Reassuring clients that you’re well equipped to weather the coronavirus storm is vital, but they will be seeking out evidence to quell any uncertainty. By investing in marketing communications now, you can help to remove that uncertainty and inspire client faith in your future.

At LegalRSS we are expert at providing legal news content for your website, social media, and smartphone. We offer fast, effective solutions when resources are challenged. Talk to us today. We’d love to hear from you.










The post Resilient and Reliable in Times of Crisis? Your Clients Need Proof appeared first on Legal RSS.