Boyd Butler’s 7 Cross-Selling Tips

This post was originally published on this site

Some opportunities are staring you in the face.Boyd Butler


But maybe you’re too busy to see them?


With that being said…


Here is my personal Cross Selling Checklist 


You’ll get more cross selling done if you;


 1        Make it part of the job – and explain why it’s important

2. Keep score – reward people for cross-selling
3. Staff will then see it’s important
4. Make sure it’s part of the questioning process for phone calls
5. Coach all staff in cross-selling so they feel confident in doing it
6. Put cross selling paragraphs on the bottom of everyone’s emails
7. Make sure links on the website cross-sell (with the right keywords in the links)
8. Make sure that you cross-sell in email and paper newsletters
9. Bundle products together so cross-selling is seen as natural
10. Have forms that people fill in and give to other colleagues with opportunities
11. Have a follow up and feedback system in place to see who follows up well
12. Have a budget in place to reward staff who pass on opportunities
13. Reward internal referrals whether they turn into work or not
14. Think about it. Action it. Test it. Refine it


Cross selling is habit you must create.


And PROFIT from.


And cross selling means you always have new services to sell.


Thansk to Boyd Butelr at GreatLegalMarketing for this item.


For automated cross-selling and enquiry generation, try Crosselerator…the marketign software that GUARANTEES you a profit or your money back.