Archive for August, 2018

Retrieving Gifts from Former Loved Ones Can Be an Uphill Struggle!

Those who shower presents on loved ones, or share property with them, sadly often come to regret their generosity after relationships sour. However, as one case showed, it is extremely difficult to retrieve such gifts after the event. The case concerned a lengthy same-sex relationship between a businesswoman and a law graduate that had broken up acrimoniously. Whilst they were together, the businesswoman had given the graduate designer shoes, handbags, jewellery and an Aston Martin car. She had also transferred to her about £400,000 in cash. She had registered a property, worth about £1.7 million, in their joint names. After the businesswoman launched proceedings, she argued that the cash the graduate received from her was in the form of loans. She alleged that the graduate had provided nothing in return for the luxury goods and that she had procured a half ... Read more
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